Relationship Tips

New baby, New Resentment

New baby, New Resentment

How many times a week do you feel resentment towards your partner? Was it at 2am while you were feeding your newborn and your partner was fast asleep in bed? Is it right now as you fight off exhaustion, clean out the breast-pump, and long for a hot shower while your...

Couples Facing Cancer

Couples Facing Cancer

Cancer places tremendous burden on relationships Your partner describes feeling “off” - he/she goes for a routine check-up and you both think nothing of it. However, the dreaded moment comes when the doctor shares concerns, recommends additional testing, and you both...

Election Day Anxiety: Here’s how to connect with your partner

Election Day Anxiety: Here’s how to connect with your partner

With Election Day being tomorrow you and/or your partner might be feeling anxious. Some notable tell-tale signs are: feeling on edge, being more quiet, isolating in another room, staying glued to media outlets, not eating or eating more, or not sleeping well. These feelings are normal and we have strategies to help you and your partner work through this time.